
A writing blog featuring latest updates, reviews, and publications from Vancouver based writer Emily Davidson.


Exciting news, friends: I get to spend this entire post talking about boobs! And not just the body parts - I get to recommend to you the collection "Boobs: Women explore what it means to have breasts," forthcoming this spring from Caitlin Press.

Made up of stories and poetry, and edited by my lovely fellow UBC-grad Ruth Daniell, "Boobs" promises to be a delight and a challenge, a book about breasts like there's never been before. My non-fiction piece "The Exhibitionist" is included in its pages, and I'm beyond pleased to be amongst such a fine company of writers (seriously, check out the line-up here). I'm not always comfortable talking about bodies, so this is an exercise in doing things that feel scary. And wherever you fall on the breast-appreciation spectrum, there is likely to be a story in this anthology that speaks to you.

There will be a book launch coming soon, and I'll be sure to post details. Until then, pre-order your copy, and may your cups runneth over! (Yay? Nay? Boob jokes, yes?)
